I picked mine up off a high school friend in good condition, just ding or two, thinking I would use it to learn on and trade it for something else. Beginners think they are easy to ride. They’re not. They don’t catch waves easily or pick up speed like a longboard and can’t perform cut backs as easily as a shortboard, so the hardcore types don’t like them either. Too much volume to duck dive like a shortboard and too short to turtle roll like a longboard, the best thing to do is to paddle like un cabron and pray you make it though the whitewater.
So what’s the point? A couple years later I have tried lots of different shapes, but still mostly use the egg. Perfect for ripping up beach breaks, mushy, summer waves and anything else you’re likely to find after work when the wind rolls in. Guaranteed to work ninety-percent of the time or your money back. Made for weirdos who don’t care if its good or bad out, just that they caught some waves and had fun.
Fun. Fun-board. Maybe that will catch on.